Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Bell Canada offering the Pre for just $99

Bell Canada is in a bit of trouble with the Palm Pre and how well it is selling. With all the changes going on over there they need to move the Pre at all costs even if that means discounting it which is why you can now go pick one up for the new low price of just $99.

Unlike in the US you will have to get this deal on a 3-year plan rather than just a 2-year. Why the Pre is not doing so well in Canada is beyond us but if anyone knew about the upcoming changes happening at Bell with the iPhone 3G selling at just $99 as well we wouldn’t suspect the general public to go with a new Palm device over the well known Apple iPhone. Poor Pre, let’s hope that future webOS handsets de better in Canada the next time around.

New webOS update to boost speed?

We are receiving word that the new webOS update will be considerably faster than what we are currently experiencing on the Pre. Ben Galbraith and Dion Almaer spoke a bit about changes made in regards to CSS transformation support.

We are hearing that the new webOS 1.3.1 update is going to be centered around speeding up webOS as a whole. Keep your fingers crossed because as is webOS has a bit of a problem with speed and response time. I often tap things a few times before getting any confirmation of a touch so I end up hitting the wrong thing repeatedly. Does anyone else want some added speed on their Pre?

Sprint drops the ball, Pixi apparently has Wi-Fi

Someone over in Sprint’s advertising department has really dropped the ball with this one. The new holiday ad for the Palm Pixi gives us some very inaccurate information about the handset that they will be offering very soon.

According to this ad the Pixi ships with Wi-Fi included but we all know that for whatever reason the Pixi does not include Wi-Fi of any kind. I wonder if there is anything that can be done about the false advertising on Sprint’s website. For those who didn’t hear the Pixi will become available on November 15th.

Daylight savings time causing webOS bug to act up

The Pre has been experiencing a few issues since late last night with time and the switch to daylights savings times. Here in Arizona messages have been coming in with a timestamp of an hour earlier than the time sent even though the phone shows the correct time.

Others briefly had calendar issues such as the calendar thinking that it was December 1st. It seems like the Pre had a Y2K-like thing going on yet none of them crashed sending the world spinning. These kinds of issues though seemingly small are a bit harder to take care of and happen more often than one would imagine.

Have any of you experienced this issue with your Pre? If so where in the US do you live? Arizona doesn’t participate in the daylight savings thing but others outside of AZ are reporting issues as well. For me the timestamp issue is only on a Pre to Pre basis and only happens about 80% of the time off and on.

Official fix for GSM APN entry problem on the way

For those of you who waited for the GSM Palm Pre to release so that you could have it in all of its unlocked goodness you may have run into a roadblock along the way with the APN. Turns out that the Pre was never programmed for the entry of an APN but the customer.

They have realized this and a fix is on the way according the O2’s German site:

“Palm is working on a fix to support the entry of APN by the user. This update will be automatically be [sic] installed on the device. After that, you will have the possibility [sic] to enter the APN data yourself.”

We are glad to see this type of support and so quickly after reports came in. Now if only all manufacturers were so aggressive about making their customers happy with their purchase.

Palm holds Pixi Q&A on November 2nd via Twitter

Pack when Palm announced the Palm Pixi they pretty much gave us any info we needed but as they do questions begin to arise in time. Palm is now giving us a chance to get these questions answered via a nice hour long Pixi Q&A via Twitter.

How does one get their questions answered? It’s just post a question to @palm and make sure to include the hashtag #pixi on November 2nd between 2:30PM and 3:30Pm EST and Phil McClendon will answer as many of your questions as he possible can in 140 character increments. For those who still don’t know, Phil is the Director of Product Marketing over at Palm.

We will be following the Q&A and watching for any gems that we were not previously aware of and report back here so be watching.

New apps added to the App Catalog, Oct 30

It’s the eve of Halloween and Palm has nothing better to do than release a slew of new apps into the App catalog. Hey we are not complaining, Palm is really on the ball with this type of thing. Now if only they would hurry up and give us a nice little webOS 1.3.1 update or at least some candy.

  • Advanced Calculator, $1.99.
  • BackGammon, $1.99.
  • Chess for webOS v1, $0.99.
  • DigiClock, $0.99.
  • Find Jack, $0.99.
  • findMYcar, $2.49.
  • Graphing Calculator, $3.99.
  • GroupE, $0.99.
  • Halloween, $3.99.
  • LightSword, $0.99.
  • Location Manager, $0.99.
  • Mind Master, $1.99.
  • The Word For Today Full, $1.99.
  • Where My Car At, $1.43.

Palm releases webOS 1.3.1 to developers

Palm has decided to give future versions of webOS to developers early so that they can get a head start on verifying the compatibility of their apps. This is a really smart move as we wouldn’t want to have to wait on an app for an update after just updating our handsets.

We are already seeing Palm come through as they have already sent webOS 1.3.1 to a select number of developers. Don’t you wish you could get your hands on an early copy of this firmware as you could with the iPhone? Who knows, the future might prove to be a good one for early adopters of the unfinished firmware.

Palm hires new AMD Linux Core Engineering Manager

Palm obviously has a lot of big plans for the future of webOS we just hope that they are able to pull this off before their stock hits its bottom line. Recently Palm hired in Matthew Tippett as a replacement for their AMD Linux Core Engineering Manager.

Tippett joined ATI back in 2003 to build the graphics drivers for Linux-based systems. Apparently Palm may want to do something with the PowerVR SGX graphics chip that is doing absolutely nothing inside the Palm Pre. We welcome Matthew to the Palm webOS development team and look forward to the improvements he will bring along with him.

iTunes 9.0.2 breaks Pre sync

Again Apple has broken any syncing capability the Palm Pre had when the new firmware was released. If you haven’t synced in a while and would like to do so without purchasing and 3rd party apps we suggest you do it before updating to iTunes 9.0.2.

For some odd reason still unknown to us iTunes will launch upon connecting your Pre in Media Sync Mode but will not detect your Pre in a sync-able manor. Looks like its Palm’s turn to once again come up with a work around. This game of cat and mouse

is just getting old now. Why won’t Apple just let us have our sync and be cool about it?