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Dotcom’s casino disaster is with Online Casino Singapore


It was billed as the new Eldorado, a surefire way of making money from the internet. Online casinos and gambling websites were predicted to earn huge sums for such places as Costa Rica and Bermuda by allowing billions of people hitherto deprived of gambling to bet wherever and whenever they wanted.

‘The internet was global and as only 10 countries in the world have legalised bet ting shops, suddenly everyman and his dog thought “I’d like a bit of that”,’ said Nigel Payne, chief executive of which runs the largest online sports book in the world.


Thousands of sites based on sun-drenched islands where the authorities had scant interest in regulatory affairs sprang up seemingly overnight, attracting huge followings in Asia, the United States and the Middle East, where betting was banned.


After pornography, gambling quickly became the biggest online money spinner.


But many investors lured by the prospect of fantastic rewards, have played a high stakes game and lost in spectacular fashion. The promise of easy money has evaporated. ‘It’s very easy to set up an online casino, but it’s increasingly difficult to make money out of it,’ said Iain Wilkie, hospitality and leisure partner at consultant Ernst & Young.


Even established names have had their fingers burnt. The owner of Harrods, Mohamed al-Fayed, set up an online casino, But the value of shares in Gaming Insight, the company that powers the site and in which Harrods Online holds a stake, has fallen from 25p last June to around 6p now, despite the company announcing that profits were up by 300 per cent to more than £12 million in the 18 months to 31 December last year.


Last week it was the turn of Damian Aspinall, son of the zookeeper and casinos magnate John Aspinall, to experience a reality check. His internet firm, the AIM-listed Aspinalls Online, admitted that a Bermuda-based online casino business it bought for more than £30m less than a year ago, was worthless.


In addition, the firm is to subcontract the management of its two online casinos to an outside operator. It all adds up to an ignominious fall from grace for one of the most famous names in casinos.


But these are grim times for most of the estimated 1,400 online gambling sites. Although the industry, which produced revenues of $4.6 billion last year, is predicted to be worth more than $125bn by 2015, it is undergoing massive turbulence.


‘We’re now seeing an industry fallout as the stronger players with the brands assert themselves. The smaller, opportunistic guys in places like Antigua or Costa Rica may have done well at first but most will be history,’ Wilkie said.


Many have already had little choice but to close for good. US credit card firms and banks, worried about the rising levels of fraud, have taken to blocking transactions with the offshore firms, effectively cutting off their business.


Online Casino Singapore experts agree that the industry is on the cusp of a massive shake-out and that within the next two years only a fraction of the current online gambling firms will exist.


Tellingly, analysts at investment bank Merrill Lynch estimate that this year, for the first time since they began about five years ago, the number of online gambling sites dropped. It is thought that a year ago there were some 1,800 sites.


The trickle of casualties is likely to become a flood once the US grants online gambling licences, which will effectively signal the death of the smaller sites. Those operators that hold the new American licences will be allowed to advertise, thus channelling punters to their sites and away from others.


‘Many of the states in the US run a deficit. So who will they want to grant a licence to, the biggest operators, who will pay huge tax revenues, or the small guys?’ Payne said.


Those that win official approval will gain legitimacy – crucial if they are to build a relationship with punters. ‘You’ve got to make a leap of faith. You’ve got to trust the brand. You’ve got to feel safer than when you’re going into a shop,’ Payne said.


The industry is divided about exactly when the US will give the green light to online gambling, but most agree it will happen.


‘Regulation is far better than prohibition. Let’s face it, the US hasn’t been particularly successful with prohibition in the past,’ said Gavin Chittick, chief financial officer of, the pan-European sports portal that counts Tiger Woods as an investor and is to launch its own online casino this week.


Already the big US gaming operators are shuffling for position in anticipation of US licences. MGM recently snapped up an online casino licence on the Isle of Man, and expects to have a site up and running in a few months’ time. It can’t be long before the most famous name in gambling, Caesars in Las Vegas, wants to develop its online presence.


For their part, the US authorities have played a waiting game, watching how countries such as Britain have dealt with the issue. ‘It took years for the authorities to get organised crime out of Las Vegas. It’s easy to forget the nervousness that surrounds gambling in what is a very conservative society,’ Wilkie said.


Recognition and regulation by the authorities is now the holy grail for the industry’s biggest players, which seek to migrate punters from the internet to other forms of new media.


‘The internet is just the first step. The majority of betting in the future will be entertainment and sporting-led, through interactive TV or over mobile phones,’ Wilkie said.


According to analysts at the research firm, by 2015 more than 80 per cent of the industry’s revenue will come from sports betting.


An industry regulated by government goes some way to reassuring punters. ‘Where do you want to put your money, the UK or Jamaica, where there are minimal regulations?


‘You will get to a point soon where the customers and the investors have a choice about where they are going to go,’ Wilkie said.


As such, many firms are now moving back onshore. Frederic Diot, of the analysis firm Datamonitor, says: ‘Offshore online firms still represent a majority but as new legislation comes into effect legalising online gambling, like in the UK, we can expect a growing number of those companies to come onshore, looking for greater legitimacy, convenience and better infrastructure.’


Now the race is on to build global, multi-currency, multi-lingual operations that can exploit huge economies of scale. Firms that target just one country stand little chance of survival. No big- name online operator has so far made a profit from its UK operations alone. They make money only if they move into other geographical markets. So Ladbrokes is targeting Asia, while Coral Eurobet moves into Italy.


‘You’ve got to have scale. Three years ago we took $4,500 on the Super Bowl. This year we took bets worth over $10m, and the cost of servicing this was only 12.5 per cent higher,’ Payne said.


The rewards for those left in the game are getting bigger. But many can no longer afford to play.




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Gambling would not improve the islands’ Togel Hongkong economy


FOR SEVERAL years, as Hawaii legislators struggled to balance the budget, mainland lobbyists have worked to bring a lottery, casino or shipboard gambling to the islands.


Distributing slick, colored handouts or making presentations behind closed doors, they portray themselves as saviors of Hawaii’s troubled economy. They buy newspaper, radio and television ads, hire paid petition-gatherers and pitch using gambling receipts to fund education or elderly care.


Shipboard and casino lobbyists dangle before revenue-hungry legislators claims of enormous economic benefits, bountiful state tax revenues, creation of thousands of jobs and an “economic boom for all sectors.”


To be blunt, these industry-generated numbers and studies are pure shibai. Academic or objective research and the findings of the National Gambling Impact Study Commission indicate most of them are significantly biased in favor of gambling interests.


Their well-funded campaigns ignore the fact that offshore casino operators siphon away revenues from locally owned small businesses. They also don’t tell you that, for their casinos to be profitable, most revenues will come from residents, not tourists.


Florida’s Department of Commerce determined, for example, that “casino gambling would not be of economic benefit to the state of Florida. There is sufficient evidence that Togel Hongkong gambling would be a counter-productive economic development strategy, one that is unlikely to help — and instead may harm — the state’s tourism industry and other economic development efforts.


“The nature of Florida tourism and its markets is such that casino gambling would not attract significant numbers of new visitors. In fact, a reasonable concern exists that perceptions of the less desirable aspects of casino gambling might diminish Florida’s favorable overall image for tourism and economic development.”


The department concluded, “Instead of drawing additional economic activity to the state, casino gambling would bring about shifts in where and how discretionary income is spent within the state.”


Nor do industry lobbyists talk about the horrendous social problems caused by gambling. Research shows we can anticipate the number of addicted and problem gamblers in Hawaii would double if casinos opened here.


What’s more, gambling would cost Hawaii taxpayers dearly in terms of increased crime, business and employment costs, social service costs, government regulatory costs, family costs and money diverted from normal consumption to pay off gambling debt.


One academic study found that for every dollar of state gambling tax revenue collected, Illinois taxpayers paid $3 to remedy gambling-associated social problems. Florida’s Department of Commerce estimated the tax imbalance would be closer to 6-to-1 when all social costs were factored in.


If one applies the most recent and comprehensive study of these costs to Hawaii, done in 2001 by Grinols & Mustard, we could anticipate annual social costs between $164 million and $177 million.


This kind of solid evidence prompted major Hawaii business organizations, such as the Banking Association and Chamber of Commerce, and top island economists Leroy Laney and David McClain, to oppose gambling here.


It’s clear why gambling lobbyists duck open debates with knowledgeable opponents and why they opposed a comprehensive and objectively managed professional study for the Legislature on the full social and economics costs and benefits of gambling.


Recently a so-called “pineapple lottery” was proposed to raise money for Hawaii’s schools. For good reasons, this is a bad idea:



>> Lotteries do not, in the end, increase the total amount spent on education. Most states substitute lottery revenue for money that would otherwise have been spent from their general funds.

>> Lotteries are a highly regressive form of taxation. According to the bipartisan National Gambling Impact Study, only 20 percent of the population — a disproportionately poor, elderly, non-white and least-educated 20 percent — buy 82 percent of lottery tickets.


>> Lotteries put states into the gambling business. To combat inevitable flagging sales, virtually every state with a lottery has reconfigured and hyped it, increasing the number of drawings, boosting the size of the jackpot, offering more sites to buy tickets and increasing advertising.



Finally, generous campaign contributions and perks are commonplace ways to influence lawmakers to support gambling interests. Do we need more opportunities for political corruption in Hawaii?


Ira Rohter is a professor of political science at the University of Hawaii-Manoa and represents the Green Party on the Hawaii Coalition Against Legalized Gambling.


If it’s done right, gambling

can benefit Hawaii

By Jim Boersema


WOULD legalized gambling be good or bad for Hawaii’s economy? We’ve debated this question for years without resolution. Both sides have presented an array of statistics to bolster their arguments.


Those in favor cite job growth and increased revenue. Those opposed claim social costs outweigh any economic benefits. Both sides refer to studies and polls supporting their sides of the debate.


Nearly everyone in Hawaii agrees our economy needs an overhaul. Its bright spots, such as the current housing market, are exceptions. The Star-Bulletin reported last summer that a U.S. Conference of Mayors study of economic growth in the decade ending in 2001 ranked Honolulu dead last, compared to 318 other metropolitan areas.


Like all studies, this one is probably imperfect, but few in business here would argue that, compared to the rest of the nation, Hawaii has long been near the bottom in economic growth.


GIVEN that changes must be made, I believe our leaders must explore all alternatives — high tech, medical research and wellness centers, new forms of agriculture, international conferencing and, yes, legalized gambling.


Gambling won’t turn our economy around by itself but, done correctly, it could make a positive contribution.


That’s the key — doing it right. For example, a state lottery is probably not the way to go. Lotteries create few jobs and bring little, if any, new revenue into a marketplace.


What might work for Hawaii? Shipboard gambling, allowing cruise ships to operate casinos outside of Hawaiian waters but not in port, could boost our economy. Ships undoubtedly would hire some local residents and buy from local vendors.


Norwegian Cruise Lines now provides a quality cruise experience from the islands, but it could do better if allowed to operate casinos outside of Hawaiian waters. Such a policy could attract other cruise lines to an island home base. Today, with Hawaii’s strict no-gambling approach, we are only a small player while the rest of the world enjoys a cruise-ship boom.


A select number of land-based casinos might help our economy, also. The National Gambling Impact Study Commission of several years ago stated, “Casino gambling has demonstrated the ability to generate economic development through the creation of quality jobs,” and “destination resorts create more and better quality jobs than casinos catering to a local clientele.” Hawaii is certainly a resort destination.


Through legislation and by contract we can guarantee casino gambling will make a positive impact on our economy without our becoming dependent upon it.


FOR EXAMPLE, any bill allowing a company to operate a casino could require developers to:



>> Spend at least $500 million on facilities improving our overall visitor base, such as luxury hotels or a world-class aquarium, which could generate tens of millions in tax revenues.

>> Create no fewer than 5,000 permanent new jobs for local residents.


>> Pay an upfront licensing fee as soon as approval is granted. For example, a $100 million licensing fee could be used to construct the new University of Hawaii medical school.


>> Agree to an annual gaming tax that could guarantee another $40-$50 million per year.


>> Agree to use local vendors and suppliers whenever possible.



Other provisions could limit potential harm, such as a 10-year sunshine period allowing the Legislature to close the casino if it chooses — sufficient time to judge both economic and social costs while allowing developers to earn back their investment.

By offering a set number of licenses on a competitive basis, Hawaii could limit the expansion of gambling while awarding licenses to corporations that offer the best bargain. Other states, such as Connecticut, have used similar legislation effectively.


FEARS that Hawaii will become a gambling destination with dozens of casinos like Las Vegas are overblown. Three-quarters of Americans live within a four-hour drive of a casino; China and Korea recently expanded their gambling resorts; and Mexico and Thailand have just legalized casino gambling, while Japan’s parliament is expected to follow suit within six months.


There’s no reason to travel to Hawaii to gamble. Visitors will still come for our weather, culture and natural beauty. Casinos would be just another entertainment activity.


We won’t know gambling’s impact on Hawaii until we try it. We know our economy is not strong. We know we’re losing talented young people. We know many families work multiple jobs to make ends meet. We know crime is on the rise. We know personal and business bankruptcies have been among the nation’s highest for years.


We know we have to make changes. We should explore every possibility to improve our economy, and that includes gambling.




Amic Slot Online Games proudly announce the release of: JigSaw 4000 v1.0


igSaw 4000 is a fine jigsaw puzzle game for Pc. Running in fullscreen, with 65,000+ colors, high resolution and a big collection of images this game is suited for the hole family, as it contains no violence. The game have a simple interface, thought it’s offer all the well known needed features: Rotate pieces, hints, best times record, you can save your puzzles to complete them at a later time, create puzzles from your own images or choose new puzzles from our additional free puzzles packs. JigSaw 4000 develops people’s intelligence and promotes their family relationship. The bright graphics will not let you get bored, you can set the pieces not to be rotated this making suitable for kids and those who prefer less challenge. The game is very easy to play, just drag the piece close enough to its counterpart and they will automatically snap together. No more extra mouse clicks trying to join the pieces that don’t fit! Demo version available for free download!


Sunny Casinos, a pioneer in the online gaming industry, knows just what it takes to keep their customers entertained and happy. The bells and whistles are still ringing and blowing from their switch to Playtech Software and now Sunny Casinos have pooled all their customers’ suggestions and ideas to make the online gaming experience at Casino Fortune, Mapau and Miami Beach an unforgettable one.

keep their customers entertained and happy. The bells and whistles are still ringing and blowing from their switch to Playtech Software and now Sunny Casinos have pooled all their customers’ suggestions and ideas to make the online gaming experience at Casino Fortune, Mapau and Miami Beach an unforgettable one.

Members of all Sunny Casinos can now benefit from:


  •    Aces Faces and Deuces Wild 4 line Video Poker.
  •    Multi hand Blackjack (Up to 3 hands supported).
  •    An option for bigger cards display in all card games.
  •    Zoomed slots. All slot machines can now be viewed in a zoom mode OR in the regular mode.
  •    $0.5 bet is now available in all machine games.
  •    New more visible timeout bar. (In multiplayer mode).
  •    In video poker agen slot online  games the ‘double up’ feature upon winning is now optional for the player. It is set from the client options.
  •    A new options window. The options section now has two tabs – one for ‘game options’ and one for ‘audio settings’.
  •    10c bet is available now in table games.


“We sincerely hope that these new features satisfy our members’ gambling needs”, said Anand Rajkumar, Promotions Manager. “At Sunny Casinos we go all the way to ensure that our members receive the ultimate virtual Las Vegas style treatment”, he added.

This is only the beginning. Sunny Casinos have only dealt its first round of fascinating features to online gaming enthusiasts. So stay glued to your PC for future developments from Sunny Casinos that would satisfy all your gambling requirements.

Casino managers are well aware that competition is increasing significantly in the gaming industry. However, many of them get blindsided because they don’t realize that the Internet is a serious competitor.

“Casino executives realize that new properties opening nearby or added gaming options at existing casinos take a bite out of their business,” says Martin R. Baird, president of Phoenix, Ariz.-based Robinson & Associates, Inc., a guest service consulting firm for the gaming industry. “What’s surprising is that they seldom mention the Internet as a direct competitor and that’s a big mistake.”

Baird offers the following seven tips on why Internet competition is important to brick-and-mortar casinos and how they can compete with cyberspace gaming.

Number 1 – It’s no longer good enough to be the best gaming establishment in your area. “Because of the Internet, you are now competing against the world,” Baird says. “Players can and do spend their gaming dollars on the Internet. For you, that’s lost revenue.”

Number 2 – Guests visit casinos to be entertained as well as to gamble but are your casino’s sights, sounds and overall gaming experience truly superior to the ease and

convenience of the Internet? “If your casino is in a cold climate, it’s easier for potential guests to stay in the warmth of their homes and gamble on their home computers,” Baird says. “If you’re located in a hot climate, will all guests drive to your property when it’s 105 degrees outside? They can get a gaming experience in the air-conditioned comfort of their homes.”

Number 3 – Time is another consideration. “This is a no brainer that’s very appealing to lazy players,” Baird notes. “It takes a fair amount of time to get ready to go, travel to your casino and then drive back home when the fun is over. If you’re tens of miles away from a metropolitan area, the lure of Internet gaming is even stronger.”

Number 4 – The primary way to compete against the Internet is stellar guest service. “If I can sit in a casino and play a game on a computer screen, why not just play it on my home computer?” Baird asks. “Service is the answer. Your guests must believe that they will have a better experience at your property. Your staff must provide a level of service that encourages guests to visit your casino again and again.”

Number 5 – Challenge your employees to do a better job with guest service. Have them visit nongaming companies in your area that have a reputation for outstanding service so they can see the level of service your guests expect from you, Baird suggests.

Number 6 – Never forget that great guest service happens only when it’s a philosophy instilled in all your employees. “When casino employees see management going out of its way to provide great service – and not just to high rollers – they respond,” Baird says. “Outstanding guest service starts at the top.”

Number 7 – Most employees will need training because few people are naturally gifted at providing good service. Offer training that gives employees the skills they need to provide service that amazes and pleases your guests, Baird says.

Robinson & Associates, Inc., is a guest service consulting firm that provides specialty guest service training, management skills training, presentation skills training, team building programs and employee incentive and recognition programs for casinos. Baird has a Web site,, that’s devoted to helping casinos improve their guest service so they can compete and increase revenues. Robinson & Associates may be reached at 480-991-6421. Baird may be reached by e-mail at Robinson & Associates is an associate member of the National Indian Gaming Association.





Nasa Casino International Review and Keluaran Hk


Main Review

Bottom Line

I’ll give Nasa credit for having a unique gaming package, at least it was the first site I’ve seen it at. They’ve done a nice job at their site giving game rules and instructions. Best bet here is the Jacks or Better Video Poker machine at 99.5% payout. Stay away from Roulette and play some Craps when you need a break from VP. I give NASA a rating of 4 chips.


Nasa Casino International is part of Nasa Sports International which they claim is the largest advertised sports book world wide. They offer a link to their sportsbook services, but I did not review it. Their server is located in San Jose, Costa Rica. They post their phone numbers on their web page, which I like.

On their web site, they list the games they offer, along with specific rules for their games. I like it when a site gives the rules up front, not all do. They offer screen shots as well. They also have a nice support page, offering e-mail support addresses, a FAQ, and installation guides to their software amongst other things.

Money Matters

Currently, Nasa offers a 10% bonus if you deposit over $200, and 15% if you deposit over $1000. They do have a rule stating that the amount must be played approx 4 times. No clue if that means they round up to 4 times or what.

Nasa Keluaran Hk Casino currently offers a comp program, which works as follows. For every $1 bet, you get 1 point. For every 1000 points, you get $1 in chips, and there are other prizes as well. For example, 150,000 points gets you a digital camera.

They list the methods by which they accept payment on thir faq. They take Visa, MasterCard, or Western Union Money transfers.


When you login, you cannot demo the games for free, but you can demo them in their “demo” mode, however. You are not connected to the server in this mode, so I could not gauge how fast their server is. I did find their server to be a bit on the slow side however when I used my login to find this out. They offer some games in java, but I did not try them for this review.

The standard software package is 1.8 megs. They also offer an adult and international download option, but I didn’t try those. There is a demo mode available where you do not play for real money. The demo mode seems to have the same game rules as their real version. Review

Main Review

Bottom Line

WinCity’s site is very similar to most of the Softec sites out there. They have done an excellent thing in setting their Jacks or Better machine to a 9/6 4K payout, most Softec sites do not have this. Of their 20+ games, this is probably my favorite. They also offer table limits of $300 for most games while many Softec sites only go to $200. Nothing else particularly stands out. I give WinCity a rating of 4 chips, slightly higher than other Softec sites, because of their JB Video Poker machine.


WinCity Casino is another that uses the Softec casino software. The one difference is that their Jacks or Better Video Poker machine is set to a better payout than most. WinCity offers Sportsbook as well as Casino services. I only looked at their casino portion of their website for this review. They are based in Antigua. Currently they only offer their web site in English, but they do have other language translations coming soon. Their help section link lists customer service e-mail addresses, phone numbers, along with game listings and descriptions.

Money Matters

New members get a 10% bonus on their initial deposite. WinCity offers deposite options of Visa, Master Card, Discover Card, American Express, check, money wire, ecash, and bank/debit card.


WinCity uses the popular Softec software package from Starnet Communications International, Inc. You have the option to register and receive a free CD in the mail, or you can download the WinCity Casino “Lite” version of the software package. This is a file size of around 5M, and you get a handful of the available games. In order to get the complete package of 20+ games, you simply click on the “download games” button in the program, and pick which game you wish to add. This is a somewhat tedious process as each time you add a game you are exited from the server and must relogin in with your name and password to pick the next game you wish to download. Once you do this for all the games you think you’ll wish to play, you’ll never have to go through the process again though until they add something you like to their list.

WinCity also offers 4 java games online. They are Blackjack, Jacks or Better Video Poker, Caribbean Stud Poker, and one slot machine. You can play these for fun or for real money. These same 4 games and rules are in the downloadable version of their software, so for the purposes of this review I spent most of my time playing off of that instead of the java version.

The software package they use which you can download is actually quite nice. Graphics on all the games are very pleasing. I played for fun only, not real money, but you are still connected to their server, and I found game speed to be very quick for all games. The Craps game appears to be currently down at all sites that use the Softec package. There are 22 different games if you download the entire package. Overlap occurs with 4 of these being Bingo variations, 4 are Video Poker variations, 2 are slot machines, and 2 are Pachinko variations. All in all, a nice variety of games to choose from. I’ll go into more detail on each on below.

Skyline Casino and Sportsbook Review

Main Review

Bottom Line

Skyline Casino is based off of the Softec Software package. Like other Softec sites, they offer a multitude of games which play with good graphics and are user friendly. The house edge, especially for their Video Poker section is just too much on many of their games though. Their general website doesn’t offer a few of the other perks some other casinos offer; such as some type of bonus credit plan for the player after wagering a large amount over time. I gave Skyline a rating of 3.75 chips. Like many Softec sites, I enjoy the gaming graphics, but not the odds.


Skyline Casino and Sportsbook, based in Venezuela, offers both online casino and sportsbook services. For the purposes of this review, I have only reviewed the casino portion of their website. They have a very straightforward and easy to navigate website, but I wish their online documentation went into more detail on their games and rules. Customer service phone numbers and e-mail addresses are conveniently spotted on several of their pages.


Money Matters

New members get a 10% bonus on their initial deposite. Skyline offers deposite options of Visa, Master Card, Discover Card, check, money wire, ecash, and bank/debit card.



Skyline uses the popular Softec software package from Starnet Communications International, Inc. You have the option to register and receive a free CD in the mail, or you can download the Skyline Casino “Lite” version of the software package. This is a file size of 5.32M, and you get a handful of the available games. In order to get the complete package of 20+ games, you simply click on the “download games” button in the program, and pick which game you wish to add. This is a somewhat tedious process as each time you add a game you are exited from the server and must relogin in with your name and password to pick the next game you wish to download. Once you do this for all the games you think you’ll wish to play, you’ll never have to go through the process again though until they add something you like to their list.

Skyline also offers 4 java games online. They are Blackjack, Jacks or Better Video Poker, Caribbean Stud Poker, and one slot machine. You can play these for fun or for real money. I’ve had trouble with the java games at other Starnet sites. They tend to reboot my machine. Since the games are the same as in their downloadable version, I didn’t attempt to play the java games for the purposes of this review.


The software package they use which you can download is actually quite nice. Graphics on all the games are very pleasing. I played for fun only, not real money, but you are still connected to their server, and I found game speed to be very quick for all games. The Craps game boots up, but as soon as you place a bet and go to roll the dice, you are notified that the game is currently offline. Other than that, I never once ran into any software or server problems while playing. There are 22 different games if you download the entire package. Overlap occurs with 4 of these



Togel Singapore Vegas Report


Here is my Las Vegas trip report which I am proud to share with all interested. I was going to spend the whole trip at the Bellagio. I was planning to hit them so hard they would never know what happened until I was long gone. I was well studied in all the game theory, and ready to make some money.


Walking through the casino on the way to checking into my room, there was a craps table surrounded by young women cheering and screaming. I went over to see what was going on. Apparently a sorority from UCLA was celebrating the 21st birthday of one of the sisters. The shooter was a sister who had been shooting for over an hour, and they were all making a lot of money at the casino’s expense.

I decided to squeeze in, the sisters cheerfully welcomed me. After the shooter made her point, I placed $500 on the Don’t Pass line. I got some confused looks by the sisters. The shooter made a six on the come-out role. I then laid $2000 in odds on my don’t pass bet, and placed another $1000 on the “Any Seven”. This drew some really confused looks by the sisters, so I promptly explained to them that the “Don’t Pass” line was the opposite of the pass line bet, the additional money were “odds” where the casino had no advantage over me, and the “Any Seven” was a proposition bet that would pay 5 for 1 if the shooter made a 7 on the next roll.

The shooter took the dice, threw them against the back of the Togel Singapore table, and made a pair of threes. The stick man shouted “Six! Hard Six! Pay the Line!” The girls rudely turned away from me and started cheering and screaming again. I left while the dealers collected my bets. I couldn’t believe it! I offer expert gambling advice, and these kids don’t appreciate it at all!


Well, after I checked into my room, it was back down to the casino, to the poker room. They were offering a $60-$120 Holdem game, and I quickly signed up. I started off poorly, losing a couple thousand, mostly due to bad cards, and then came “the hand”. I was first to act after the blinds, and the dealer dealt me the 3 and 5 of Hearts. Ah, a suited one-gap, I decided to open with a raise. Everyone folded, except for the small blind, an old Jewish man wearing an MIT sweater who had been playing very tightly the whole night, who re-raised me! The big blind folded making it heads up between us two. I raised again. He called.

The flop came Nine of Diamonds, King of Diamonds, Ace of Hearts. He checked to me, and I bet. He raised me, and I raised him back! I could see genuine concern in his eyes as he studied the board and weakly called my bet.

The turn came with the King of Hearts. I was completely loving life with the Heart flush draw! The man looked uninterested, stared away, and bet $120. I raised him, and I could see his palms sweating as he re-raised me back. I made it 4 bets, and he capped it. I called.

The river came with the Ten of Clubs. He bet, I raised, he re-raised, and I called him down! He then turned over two black kings! I couldn’t believe it! In these loose games, these players just “draw draw draw” until it kills you. I left the table satisfied in knowing that the way these guys play, the casino rake would eventually have all of their money.


Ok, it was getting late, and it was time for me to strike. I was going to use my superior Blackjack counting skills so I could invisibly make up all of my losses, and take a heavy profit from the Bellagio.

Standard Deviation was not my friend early, and I was soon down about Ten Thousand dollars. I could see in the pit a lot of suspicion about the way I was playing, as the pit boss seemed to be watching me a lot, tried several times to get me to sign up for a players card to learn my identity, and frequently went to the phone, obviously talking about my strong skilled play.

Finally I got into a monster count, and made a $5000 bet. I could see the pit boss wave to a man in a silk suit to come my way. The dealer dealt me a pair of queens, and had a king showing. I pushed forward another $5000 to split, and the dealer gave me a ten. I pushed another $5000 to resplit and the dealer gave me a jack. While I pushed yet another $5000 for a 4th split. The man in the silk suit came behind me, put his hand on my back and said “hi there player, can I ask where you are staying?”

I knew I must have been in trouble, but I needed to finish the hand. The dealer gave me a 6 for 16 on the first hand, I hit drawing paint and busted. On the second hand, the dealer gave me a 3 for 13 and I stood. The next hand I got an 8, and felt real good with 18. On the final hand I drew a 4 for 14. Not recalling any 7s dealt, I double down, drawing a nine and busting.

The dealer turned over a 9 for 19, and started collecting my bets. The man in the silk suit said to me “Tough break. Can I ask what your name is sir?” I knew I was in a lot of trouble, and I had to think fast. However, as a master of the art, I quickly came to a brilliant plan. I made a genius cover play by giving the dealer the rest of my chips (about $12,000) as a tip (because counters never tip), and in the confusion, I escaped, bolting to the door and down the strip. HA! They never caught me, so they could never read me the trespass act!


After an exhausting run, I found myself at Westward Ho, where I was able to talk the manager into letting me have a room for $80, even though the rooms were strictly reserved for players. Had dinner at McDonalds, and like all food in Las Vegas, it was excellent.

I decided to abandon my luggage and airline tickets that I left in my room at the Bellagio (due to the heavy casino security there) and just take the greyhound bus back to Dallas. Yes, it was going to be a long trip, but well worth not taking the extra risk of getting caught. I played solitaire in my room the whole night, and couldn’t help grinning at how I escaped getting backed off at MGM/Mirage Resorts. This means in about 6 months I can return with a brand new disguise, hit them hard the next time, and make some real money!

Good luck to all of you!





Mengenal Slot Online Berbagai Jenis Reel

Ketika datang ke perjudian uang sungguhan, slot masih menjadi daftar teratas untuk sebagian besar pemain. Ini berkaitan dengan lantai resor kasino darat mana pun. Ini juga berkaitan dengan penjudi yang lebih suka bermain slot online  uang nyata secara online. Industri kasino online terus tumbuh dan berkembang di seluruh Amerika Serikat serta secara global. Ketersediaan yang meningkat adalah kekuatan pendorong utama. Keragaman dan inovasi dalam permainan slot adalah alasan besar lainnya untuk pertumbuhan industri yang berkelanjutan.

Mesin slot pada dasarnya adalah permainan untung-untungan. Keberuntungan cenderung menggantikan keterampilan. Namun, karena ada begitu banyak mesin slot yang berbeda untuk dimainkan, ada beberapa strategi dalam permainan. Pada dasarnya, slot online dapat dibagi menjadi empat jenis mesin:

  • 3 Slot Reel
  • 5 Slot Reel
  • Slot Video
  • Slot Progresif

Mesin slot 3-gulungan adalah desain klasik. Penawaran hari ini adalah kemunduran ke hari-hari awal perjudian kasino. Daya tarik terbesar dari memainkan tiga slot reel adalah kesederhanaan. Mereka adalah pilihan terbaik untuk pemain yang ingin bersenang-senang sambil berjudi.

Temanya klasik, namun ada beberapa inovasi modern. Pengalaman gameplay terkait erat dengan ruang tunggu slot Las Vegas jadul. Garis pembayaran terbatas, jadi memaksimalkan taruhan Anda adalah strategi slot online terbaik. Pembayaran game jackpot lebih rendah lebih sering daripada mesin dengan jackpot lebih tinggi.

Mesin slot berkembang selama bertahun-tahun dari tiga gulungan menjadi lima gulungan. Anda bahkan dapat menemukan beberapa slot online dengan enam gulungan hari ini. Pindah ke lima gulungan menambah sedikit keragaman pada pengalaman bermain game. Perusahaan game top saat ini terus mencoba meningkatkan standar dengan rilis game baru. Inovasi terkadang dapat menyebabkan kebingungan dengan begitu banyak hal yang terjadi sekaligus. Anda mungkin harus menonton demo permainan untuk membiasakan diri dengan mesin apa pun yang Anda mainkan.

Slot dengan lima gulungan memiliki jumlah garis pembayaran yang lebih besar. Ada fitur tambahan seperti scatters, wilds, free spin dan respins. Sebagian besar memiliki permainan dasar yang dapat menghasilkan banyak permainan bonus. Pemain yang ingin memenangkan uang sambil melakukan beberapa petualangan liar memiliki banyak pilihan berbeda yang tersedia.

Tingkat volatilitas game juga ikut berperan. Level rendah menawarkan pembayaran yang lebih sering dengan jumlah yang lebih rendah. Penting juga untuk mengetahui pengembalian mesin ke pemain (RTP). Ini persentase uang yang diambil yang dibayarkan kembali ke pemain setiap hari.

Mesin slot progresif menawarkan jackpot terbesar di situs kasino online uang sungguhan. Mereka biasanya terikat pada jaringan mesin yang mengumpulkan uang dengan gaji tetap. Jackpot progresif terus tumbuh dan berkembang sampai beberapa pemain yang beruntung meraihnya besar. Setiap mesin akan memposting jackpot teratasnya. Progresif paling populer menawarkan pembayaran maksimum enam hingga tujuh angka.

Slot video sangat mirip dengan lima slot gulungan dalam alur game. Namun, mereka menawarkan pengalaman yang lebih menghibur dalam grafik tingkat lanjut dan soundtrack audio yang imersif. Banyak dari slot video teratas dapat menciptakan pengalaman visual 3D.

Faktanya, saya akan mengatakan bahwa slot adalah permainan kasino online yang paling disukai di mana-mana! Dan penjudi yang cerdas sangat tahu bahwa dalam hal permainan ini, ada lebih banyak hal yang harus dilakukan, daripada hanya mengeluarkan uang dalam jumlah besar. Di bawah ini, saya memberi Anda 7 tip teratas untuk membantu Anda menang secara konsisten di slot online

Temukan game yang membayar lebih sering

Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan kesempatan untuk memenangkan jackpot progresif yang bagus, akan lebih masuk akal untuk mencari game yang memiliki jackpot yang relatif lebih kecil. Game-game inilah yang membayar lebih teratur daripada yang lain.

Waspadai putaran bonus

Putaran bonus slot online dapat terbukti berperan penting dalam membuka putaran gratis dan memenangkan jackpot, dan dapat memberi Anda peluang yang lebih baik untuk memaksimalkan putaran Anda. Oleh karena itu, Anda harus mengetahui bagaimana babak-babak ini dapat diakses dan cara memainkannya dengan baik.

Temukan slot jackpot progresif besar

Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa slot online dengan jackpot progresif yang lebih kecil menghasilkan pembayaran yang lebih sering, jika Anda menginginkan uang besar, Anda harus memainkan hanya sekelompok slot jackpot progresif tertentu. Misalnya, Mega Moolah dari Microgaming yang memegang rekor pembayaran jackpot terbesar dalam sejarah slot online.

Perhatikan garis pembayaran

Jika Anda sangat mengetahui jumlah garis pembayaran yang ditawarkan oleh permainan slot pilihan Anda, Anda akan memiliki gagasan yang lebih baik tentang peluang menang Anda. Oleh karena itu, lakukan beberapa penelitian tentang garis pembayaran yang ditawarkan oleh slot online yang berbeda, sebelum mempertaruhkan uang pada mereka.

Bermain di kasino terkenal

Saya tidak bisa cukup menekankan pentingnya yang satu ini! Mungkin tidak ada gunanya mencetak jackpot besar jika Anda tidak dapat menarik kemenangan Anda dari kasino. Lakukan beberapa penelitian tentang kasino yang Anda pikirkan, dan pastikan bahwa itu dilisensikan oleh otoritas yang diakui.

Mainkan permainan slot online yang lebih sederhana

Semakin rumit permainan slot online, semakin banyak uang dan waktu yang diinvestasikan pengembang ke dalamnya. Karenanya, mereka ingin memulihkan uang dari pemain sebanyak mungkin, sebelum memberikan pembayaran yang besar. Oleh karena itu, mungkin lebih masuk akal untuk tetap berpegang pada permainan slot online konvensional dan sederhana, yang lebih cenderung meningkatkan peluang kemenangan Anda.

UFABET Head2Head: A Way to Go

Good news again for the everyday horseplayer! The Breeders’ Cup World Thoroughbred Championships are trying to attract new business from the casual or novice player. To that end, they have developed Head2Head wagers for each of the eight championship races to be held October 26, 2002, at Arlington Park in Illinois. The takeout will be a streamlined 10%. In fishing for new fans, the good people at the Breeders’ Cup have provided established players with an excellent gam-ing opportunity. Head2Head wagers simply pit two horses in the same race against each other. It is a far cry from having to defeat an entire field of the world’s best Thoroughbreds. If your horse finishes ahead of the other designee in that particular race, you collect. So your runner can finish a badly beaten fourth, and still win for you. The two designees for the eight races will be named at the post-position draw on October 23. Actual Head2Head wagering will begin a day before the events on Friday, October 25.


Do I have any insights for Head2Head wagering? You bet, Speed! Speed horses have dominated the Breeders’ Cup Sprint recently. Get out in front and don’t look back are the watch-words here. Take a speed horse over an established middle-mover or closer in this race. Yet be careful of sprinters who either win or finish far back. You want a horse with some bottom that has made a habit of fighting all the way to the wire after being headed for the lead. Fast females have done well against the boys sprinting. So give them a solid look in a Head2Head match up.


In route races, you want to stay away from speed horses that may potentially duel for the UFABET lead. Only bet speed horses in Head2Head wagers if they are the controlling speed. You want to be certain that your horse will make the lead. Speed horses who have to fight hard early on going a route of ground aren’t going to succeed much in the Head2Head format.


Home Track Edge — The world’s top Thoroughbreds don’t get around much to Arlington Park. Give any horse with a race over the track a big leg up in the Head2Head format. Europeans participating in dirt races may be running over that type of surface for the first time. Under such circumstances, they would be tough to take in a Head2Head wager against an American runner.


Covering Your Bets — If one of the two horses designated in a Head2Head match up is your choice to win the race you will be presented with an interesting opportunity. You might be getting 5-1 against the entire field with your primary wager. The Head2Head bet can serve as insurance to cover that bet. Confidence in beating the entire field should translate to supreme confidence in beating a single horse.


America vs. Europe — American and European runners will clash in the three major grass events, Breeders’ Cup Mile, Breeders’ Cup Filly and Mare and Turf and Breeders’ Cup Turf. The new Head2Head format will allow bettors to back either the American or European contingent in each of these three events. Back the speed-conscious Americans on the tight-turned Arlington turf. The Europeans will probably be favored.





If You Can’t Raise, Don’t Call At No Time for Situs Judi Online24Jam Terpercaya 2021

I get this a lot. Some guy I knew centuries ago sees me playing forty-eighty hold’em and says to me, “what are you doing here?” I sigh.

Stuff like this has gone on most of my life. When you’re a hustler, you end up losing most of the time for the big win at the end. You play the fool. You can never show how good you are. There’s no applause here. You do your job and end up counting money in some hotel room, splitting it with your backers if you have any. Then, you wait for the girls, or the drugs, or the liquor to kick in. Most of the time I would watch TV thinking about all the mistakes I had made. There were always mistakes.

There were dreams too. Hustlers have their personal very unconventional nirvana. Mostly they want to make enough to never have to do it again. Mostly they hate the game they played. Like me. I hated that fact that I could never shine. Never show my stuff.

Heres how it goes. You play bad. Lesson number one. Your backer, who is a former hustler or money guy who likes action shows you. He picks up a few dollars and says this is what you get if you always play good; then he takes out the c-notes wrapped in a rubber band and says this is what you get if you play bad right up until the end. Okay chief. You get the message.

The hustlers are the little wizards of the world. They have the gift. They do something in one particular thing better that almost anyone else and the money rolls in. Still it is never enough. It is too easy. That is the trap.

Of course, the little wizards almost always fail in the end. Their window of opportunity is narrow and short. They never see until its way too late. It’s a peculiar sadness I’ve witnessed many times. The little wizards are in their own universe and this universe is alien and foreign to them and equally scared of them. So the good people of this universe set out to destroy them. They usually succeed.

Poker takes its share. Poker attracts the gifted and destroys them. Luck destroys them. Their arrogance destroys them. To lose to the inferior is beyond unacceptable. And yet it happens all the time.

My first days playing poker I thought, “what an incredibly ridiculous thing have I fallen into.” That thought stayed with me for a while. Between the bad beats, bad players, bad luck, you have to find something inside yourself to get over the hump. Unlike other things that your skill can get you past, poker exerts an incredible force to open your nose, throw you on tilt; to destroy you. We all have gifts that can get us through. I’ll tell you about mine.

I was good at chess. To this day if I mention it, someone will want to play with me in Situs Judi Online24Jam Terpercaya 2021. Sometimes for money. If they mention money, then I know they think they are pretty good. Of course for a normal person they are, but not when they are up against a wizard. At some point, once I put the hammer down, they get this look in their eyes. Thanks. You have just come face to face with the gift. I moved on. At the time, I had no idea that the great equalizer was in the future and that mere mortals would and could roast me over the coals of the feast called poker.

Of course chess has no luck, though it has become fashionable to say it has a little. Whatever. The point is, that if you are better than the next guy, then you are going to win and that’s it. Some of these wizards hardly ever lose a game. Still chess has a lot of the blessed, so there is a hierarchy and only the best of the best move on. I started playing the no limit hold’em of chess; speed chess. Now we’re gambling.

Imagine a game of chess and now imagine that you have just two minutes to play. As does your opponent. The game will be over in minutes. No old men smoking pipes on a park bench taking eternities to sort out their next move. No, this is Washington Square where crack pipes intermingle with peppermint incense and a man with the gift is usually tortured, because this is a street game and it has its own rules. Bad news if you come from the Manhattan school of intellectual chess, passed down for generations from the frozen regions of Russia. Few adapt. This is gambling with many desperate to win, and motivated by an overwhelming need for drugs or food. This need can make you good.

This was my introduction to gambling. No more confinement, my game was given the freedom to fly and to be awed at by the less talented. It was heaven to be fated and to win money at the same time. I would never have both together again. Still I learned lessons that would not be used for years. How need dictated actions that may not be optimal for winning. Tilt. The crushed look on a face that was playing in a game he could not afford. Scared money. Between games, I unknowingly studied the body language that would help me later. Things change, I was too good, couldn’t get enough opponents, and the world was fast embracing backgammon as the acceptable form of society gambling.

Speed chess had wet my appetite for money, and there promised to be much more in backgammon, a game I had played all my life. It was also my first encounters with mister luck. Dice have their own peculiar logic. Many a time that fickleness cost me money. Still it was more lessons. I was able to study close up the human animal in stress mode. And myself. Of course my study of stress was a little more intense and personal. That stress would eventually take its toll.

Peter lynch, the legendary mutual fund manager always tells people to invest in things they know and ones they understand, and never invest in something they could not easily explain to someone. This is good advice for the world of poker also. Meditate. Think about times in your life when you read a situation correctly, or accurately predicted the actions of another. Visualize pain, want, need, envy, jealously and the myriad other emotions that are inherent in our character. These things we have all seen. Why would we want to forget them at the poker table? Know your enemy. Read his face; see where he is at and the rest become almost mechanical. Recognize emotion and you have a weapon against mister luck when he comes calling. Know yourself. Become the sphinx and solve your own riddle.

The title of this essay should easily be accepted. Calling instead of raising comes from fear or weakness or greed. All three will cost you money. Think about it. Forget the one time in a hundred that calling is right, for the aim is to win money, not lose less. It still is the biggest mistake people make. If you hear different, investigate the source and take all future advice with a shaker of salt. Poker is not played in theory, but at a table for real money where the impossible happens five times a night. If someone tells you something cannot happen, then they have never been at a poker table.

The following is my top ten list of reasons many people give me to explain why they lost at poker.

“I didn’t want to lose anybody.”

“They were suited.”

“Sevens have flopped all night.”

“That dealer kills me.”

“I had to call.”

“The pot was too big.”

“With all the raising, I figured little cards would flop.”

“I had aces.”

“I couldn’t raise” or “The board paired”, “Straightened out”, “Flushed out.”

and my favorite… “How could I put him on that?”

Use your strengths. Recognize your weaknesses and fix them or the holes will get bigger and the luckier at the moment will take all your money and you will need to leave the arena.

Less abstract advice. Play big cards, play less hands, raise more, call less, leave when you’re tired or distracted. In reading books on strategy remember that your mileage may vary. Raising to get a free card is now recognized by everyone, suited connectors like small pairs could put you in the grave. Like garlic, use a little not a lot. Be thankful, grateful, that poker is the great equalizer. Here not only can you slay the dragons, but the wizards as well.



Championship No-Limit and Pot-Limit Qiu Qiu Online Hold’em

Until this book was written, the best advice on playing Texas Hold’em in Pot Limit or No Limit games was the section from Doyle Brunson’s epic, Super System. Since the writing of Super System the state of the art in poker writing has advanced considerably. There certainly remained a lot to be said about “the Cadillac of poker games”.

  1. J. Cloutier, who has been competing in big time poker events for the better part of two decades, has impeccable credentials as an expert in pot-limit and no-limit Texas Hold’em. The question is, will his expertise translate into a good book? This was especially of concern because although his collaborator, Tom McEvoy, has been one of the most successful tournament poker players in the last 20 years, his book, Tournament Poker was a mediocre offering at best, offering few, if any, significant new insights into being a successful tournament poker player.

I’m happy to say, that these fears turn out to be unfounded. This book was written clearly, as a spoken exposition by Cloutier. The topics in this book are well organized and carefully spelled out. All aspects of the play in these poker games, with a special emphasis on tournament play, are covered. More importantly, there is a significant amount of information here that has never before seen print.

Cloutier goes through how to play starting hands in various positions in detail, covers having various hands on the flop, turn and river. He discusses carefully how to get a read on one’s opponent, the skill Cloutier believes most critical in winning these games. This is a difficult topic to discuss, reading players is much more instinct than science, but he does a respectable job of it.

There are two chapters specifically devoted to Qiu Qiu Online tournament play, a very good set of practice hands with commentary by Cloutier, and the book concludes with a set of tales from Cloutier’s colorful life.

I like this book quite a bit, but it is by no means perfect. First, charging $39.95 for 206 pages of paper bound content seems a little steep to me. While one could rightly argue that if this book saves you just one bet at a game of these limits, or moves you up one money place in a medium sized tournament, you’ve recovered this money, it’s out of line with what I expect from books in general.

My second complaint, with which it may be fair for the author to take issue with me, is that I get the sensation that the author is holding back a bit. There are several places, where Cloutier does a good job of explaining what one can expect in situations, except that one has a feeling that the author was almost ready to continue with an “… except in these cases…” or “… but watch out for …” but didn’t.

This has been a point of a great deal of soul searching by poker writers for years and can be found in Super System and Ray Zee’s introduction to Texas Hold’em for Advanced Players among other places. However, the sense I’ve gotten from Brunson, David Sklansky and Mason Malmuth is that after a great deal of soul searching, they decided to “damn the torpedos” and bare all to the poker public. I don’t get the same sense from Cloutier. Again, this is merely my impression. I’d be very interested in hearing how the author answered this question, very diplomatically worded, of course.

Nonetheless, this book represents the current best information in print on pot-limit and no-limit Hold’em. If you are a beginner or intermediate Hold’em player interested in pot-limit or no-limit ring games or tournaments, don’t be afraid of this book’s price tag.


Unless you’re a big money winner of pot-limit and no-limit Texas Hold’em games, this book will provide enough useful information to more than justify its cost. While not perfect, this book represents the best information publically available on how to play and win in these games.